Special features

Display preferences

Set up your own preferences page if you don't like the global preferences icon in the navigation par. You can use the PHP function display_preferences() to embed a preferences box with Save Changes and Cancel buttons. If you use this feature, you should also set <options button="no"> in the site configuration file to deactivate the global preferences icon.

  • Display style:
  • Font size:
Clicking on “Save Changes” will set cookies in your browser in order to memorize your display preferences.

These cookies are used for no other purposes and do not contain any unique information that might identify individual visitors. Cookies will automatically be deleted after 7 days, unless they are renewed by setting display preferences again. You can immediately remove the cookies by clicking on “Delete Cookies” above.

Site map

A site map can be generated automatically from the XML configuration file, using the PHP function show_sitemap().

Copyright message

In order to display the GopherPHP copyright message with version information, call gopher_copyright(). Keep in mind that you are under no obligation to do so, but it would be a nice token of appreciation. The copyright message looks like this:

powered by GopherPHP version 1.2 (© 2008 by Stefan Evert)